Thursday, 4 February 2010

Interview Guidance

Interview Guidance

PRIOR TO the Interview

Look committed and find out as much as possible about the company.

Visit their web site for more information on the company.

Find out who will your competitors be and as much as possible about the market/customers you will be selling to

Job Description
Make sure you are fully aware what the role is you are being interviewed for. Your consultant at 20:20 Selection Ltd will have fully briefed you on this.

Be confident that you are technically qualified to do the job. We would not have spoken to you about the role if we didn’t think your profile matched the client’s criteria!

Have examples from your previous roles to demonstrate your ability to do this job and evidence in your brag file to back this up


Personal Presentation

Look your smartest and show your most professional side during the interview. A company is more likely to employ someone who is well presented and who will therefore best represent their company to customers.

Arrive to start the interview on time (be early if possible)

Obtain clear directions for the location of the interview and plan your journey, allowing plenty of time to arrive.

Introduce yourself courteously (first impressions last!)

Express yourself clearly.

Show tact, manners, courtesy, and maturity at every opportunity.

Be confident and maintain poise. The ability to handle your nerves during the interview will come across as confidence in your ability to handle the job.

Be prepared to show how your experience would benefit the company.

Ask questions concerning the company or products and the position for which you are being interviewed for. An interviewer will be impressed by an eager and inquisitive mind. You will also be able to demonstrate that you can contribute to the company or industry if you show an interest in its products and/or services.

Take time to think and construct your answers to questions to avoid rushing into a vague and senseless reply.
Demonstrate that you are sufficiently motivated to get the job done well and that you will fit in with the company's organisational structure and the team in which you will work.

Show willingness to start at the bottom and work up.

Anticipate questions you’re likely to be asked and have answers prepared in advance. Uncertainty and disorganisation show the interviewer that you are unprepared and unclear what your goals are.

Be assertive without being aggressive (ensure you close – remember you are a sales person & ‘you’ are your product)

Thank the interviewer for their time

Interview Don'ts

Be late for the interview. Tardiness is a sign of irresponsibility or disorganisation and the employer could take it as what to expect in the future.

Arrive unprepared for the interview.

Say unfavourable things about previous employers.

Make excuses for failings.

Give vague responses to questions.

Show lack of career planning - no goals or purpose could convey the impression you're merely shopping around or only want the job for a short time.

Show too much concern about rapid advancement.

Overemphasise money. Your interviewing goal is to sell yourself to the interviewer and to get an offer of employment. Salary discussion is secondary.

Show any reservations you may have about the role/company. You can always turn down second interviews and job offers after you have had time to appraise your concerns in the cold light of day.

Express strong prejudices or any personal intolerance.

Leave your mobile phone on during the interview.

These are general tips that can be applied to any interview situation. Part of the service we offer at 20:20 Selection Ltd is to help you prepare for specific client interviews. We have key account managers specifically working with clients & members of the team who come from a pharmaceutical sales management background so you will get personalised expert advice relating to your interview! To find out more about 20:20 Selection Ltd visit